10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

7. Maractus

Pokemon Combee
Toei Animation

You know, Maractus, the cactus Pokémon... no, not Cacturne, the other one, the one that dances? No, that’s Ludicolo. You know the one I mean, it’s cuter than Cacturne but meaner than Ludicolo, like it could be deadly to its enemies but is friendly to most people; but not that one, that’s Carnivine.

This the problem with Maractus, there’s nothing really wrong with it but it just seems so forgettable when thrown in with the other ‘mons it’s similar to. Cacturne and Ludicolo both have the benefit of other Pokémon in their line, while Carnivine’s status as a regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO gives it a (perhaps artificial) sense of rarity, making it possibly more endearing to the fan base, and it also featured as a Team Rocket member for some episodes.

Some Pokémon that are outclassed and out-cooled by similar creatures fade into obscurity (Pinsir compared to Scyther and Heracross, for example), but Maractus doesn’t need to go that way. There’s a lot of fun it it’s design, but it just isn’t enough.

Rather than evolving it up, perhaps it would be better served by introducing a baby, like Chingling for Chimecho, to give it a little added sweetness and stand out.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)