10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

7. Crafting - Neverwinter Nights 2

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Neverwinter Nights 2 is a Dungeons and Dragons-based RPG set in the tabletop's iconic world of Faerûn.

Like its source material, the game comes with crafting skills that allow you to dabble in alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting, and more.

The crafting system is incredibly expansive, but most people who have played the game have never even touched it, as the process of making anything on your own is ridiculously complicated, hard, and requires you to put so much effort into understanding it that you'd rather just stick to all the fun action and rely on whatever items you find in the wild instead.

However, those who bother to master Neverwinter's crafting system are the only ones who get to play with the absolute best gear in the game.

Crafting lets you create unique items like the Holy Adaminte Sword and Mithral Armor, which beat anything you can find in the endgame. And yes, that includes even the Silver Sword, the (supposed) most powerful weapon in the game that serves as the centerpiece of the main storyline!

Reading the recipe books, finding the right stations, and leveling up your skills is a pain, but the rewards you get for your efforts totally justify the sacrifices.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.