10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

5. Photo Ops - Dead Rising

fallout 4 syringer rifle

Though Dead Rising's protagonist, Frank West, is technically a journalist, when it comes to gameplay, most players tend to focus on the "I've covered wars" part of his line of work rather than getting the latest scoop. There is a photography mechanic in the game, but it's typically ignored in favor of the more exciting activity of bashing zombies with improvised weaponry.

However, the photo op system of Dead Rising is actually a pretty useful feature, and in many cases, it can be as fun, if not more, than your typical rampage across the Willamette Mall.

Capturing specific scenarios with your camera, such as scenes of brutality, horror, or, for some reason, erotica, can earn you thousands of prestige points, which are used to level up your character and provide him with more health points.

Taking the time to whip out your camera at the right time will level up Frank incredibly fast, plus it can be quite fun to hunt for the perfect photo op with the most points.

Especially if the photo involves setting up a gory chain reaction of exploding zombie parts and gag items for the perfect combo of themes and bonuses.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.