10 Powerful Video Game Intros That Gave You Chills

2. Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 intro opening normandy

Death in video games is nothing to be surprised over, Mario and Sonic taught us that many times over.

Dying at the start of a game, though? That was a new one.

That was the bold direction that Bioware went with at the start of Mass Effect 2, and it paid off. Stepping it up from the slow-paced planetary exploration of the first one, this starts with a gut punch of an introduction.

Prior to that, we're treated to a glimpse of the Illusive Man, who's name is rather fitting. It seems like Cerberus has designs on us, but we don't know what...

But that's not what makes this chilling, oh no. It's the absolute destruction of any semblance of peace on the Normandy as its attacked by an unknown assailant.

Chaos ensues, as Shephard does his best to protect his crew. Mission sort of accomplished, we'll get out of this, right?

I, like many, was not prepared for our captain to be blasted into space. Nor was I ready to see the man suffocate and burn up in a planet's orbit. It was harrowing, it was bold, and it was absolutely chilling.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.