10 Powerful Video Game Moments That Gave You The Chills

2. "Would You Kindly?" - Bioshock

Spoilers obviously, although at this point we're verging on this reveal being pop culture.

Everyone loves a good wrap-up scene. When they're done well, ticking every single major plot-point you'd almost forgot needed answering makes for little that's more satisfying.

Do you remember that first time you were standing there, listening to Andrew Ryan's speech? It's a great reveal being that it comes straight after you see a wall-full of photos, documents and an audio diary sprawled onto a wall in front of you, alluding to a certain phrase you've been hearing throughout.

The realisation that everything you've been doing - both as a character and through control itself - is actually predetermined by Andrew Ryan himself still has people reeling the first time through. It's easily one of the greatest twists in video game history, or any entertainment medium, and although if there was ever a film adaptation we'd assume the basic beats of this would play out, it's with it being a video game that an extra level of mind-fuddling revelation settles in and stays with you.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.