10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

1. Teddy - Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 3 thumbnail

Dead Rising just wouldn't be Dead Rising if it didn't have some characteristically unstable opponents fighting you and then facing completely surreal demises.

While the award of most surreal psychopath death in Dead Rising 3 unmistakably goes to Darlene - who dies by suffocating on her own vomit - it's questionable if you'd call her powerful, as she's sort of just a very greedy lady who is willing to resort to violence.

Teddy, however, is an entirely different type of lunatic. He's got a whole Saw film's worth of traps and clever weaponry at his disposal, and yet he's so preoccupied with his current video game session that he doesn't even seem to know there is currently a zombie outbreak.

Unlike every other boss fight in this game, you don't actually battle Teddy. You only have to get past his security system, and then him seeing you gives him a heart attack, officially winning the award for "dorkiest way to die in a zombie apocalypse".

At least previous weirdos like Adam the Clown had the good graces to die like a badass by falling on chainsaws, is all we're saying.

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