10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

2. Ivan - Syberia 2

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XS Games

Even if you never want to play a single game from the Syberia franchise in your entire life, it's still more than worth sitting down and watching Ivan's death from the second game.

To set up this beautifully dumb demise, it's worth mentioning that Ivan is one of the two villains of the game, with he and his brother Igor going to great and evil lengths to try to obtain mammoth ivory to sell for a great price.

After being antagonised by our hero Kate, Ivan eventually - late in the game - resorts to throwing a penguin egg at Ivan after she foils his attempts to flee on a stolen boat. This turns out to be a pretty big mistake though, as the surrounding penguins are understandably peeved with his actions, and thus peck him to death.

There's no gore shown to us the viewer, but from a combination of Kate's expression and the noises we hear, it's clear it wasn't exactly a pleasant way to go. At least it teaches us a valuable lesson: geese are not the only bird we should fear.

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Dead Rising 3
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