10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

6. Scott Shelby - Heavy Rain

Dead Rising 3 thumbnail
Quantic Dream

Generally, the ending most players will see for Scott Shelby will be him being absolutely decimated by some combination of Ethan, Norman or Maddison - as most people aim for the good ending, for obvious reasons.

What may bring you some joy is that, even if you somehow don't manage to murder Shelby in some form during The Old Warehouse chapter, you've still a decent chance of him being killed.

Because if Lauren - the grieving mother Scott visits towards the start of the story - survives to the end, she'll detect the Detective, and work out that Shelby is the Origami Killer, before shooting him dead to avenge her son.

She's able to do this by phoning all of the other parents who've lost children due to the Origami Killer, discovering from each that Shelby was never hired to investigate their cases, and thus is only "gathering evidence" to get rid of it and avoid suspicion.

Although this is a fun twist, it does make Scott's evil genius plan actually seem kind of silly, as it's not a master plan if it can be solved by literally just phoning like four people.

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Dead Rising 3
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