10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

5. Dr. Krieger - Far Cry: Instincts

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Far Cry has a history of bringing us interesting and memorable villains for countless years now, and Far Cry: Instincts is no different.

Only, this award in Instincts should probably go to the mercenary leader Crowe, and not his boss Dr. Krieger. This isn't because the good doctor isn't evil - because he's been carrying out some very illegal experimentations on people - but rather because his final villainous gambit is one of the dumbest things ever.

After creating a horde of genetically engineered humans that he aims to make more animalistic and primal, Krieger tries to convince his goons to kill you when you arrive by pointing out that you've just killed Crowe, their former leader.

Only, it's pretty universally known that many animals appoint new leaders by having them kill the old one, and so telling everyone you've killed their former boss makes you their new alpha.

Naturally, this leads to them tearing Krieger apart, without you having to lift a finger to kill him. For a genius scientist, George really signs his own death warrant with this one.

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Dead Rising 3
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