10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

4. Colonel Volgin - Metal Gear Solid 3

Dead Rising 3 thumbnail

General Volgin is a prime example of one of the most impressive things that Metal Gear Solid, as a series, is able to do. This is because his death is both absolutely, entirely ridiculous, and also undeniably cool, which is a tone the series manages to pull off throughout.

When Volgin is introduced, the lighting rippling off him makes it pretty clear what his unique power is - and what you're going to have to try and dodge in your (much later) fight.

However, this scene also reveals a lot about Volgin's relationship with the lightning he can wield. Although his chant of "Kuwabara, Kuwabara" seems nonsensical to most of us on first hearing it, it's actually a Japanese saying that's supposed to prevent you from being struck by lightning - showing us Volgin is also a little wary around lightning at the same time.

That is, until he gets a little cocky during his second fight with you, after pursuing you in the Shagohod. When a lightning storm grows overhead, Volgin not only doesn't say his catchphrase, but also mocks the storm, saying "who's afraid of a little thunder?".

As it turns out, he should have been, as he's immediately struck by lightning and set on fire, which eventually kills him.

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Dead Rising 3
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