10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

3. Reza Zaydan - Hitman

Dead Rising 3 thumbnail
IO Interactive

General Zaydan is a man whose main ambition in life is to gain as much power as possible. And it's fair to say he's managed that pretty well, given that he became a general younger than most at 49, despite seemingly never having personally served in combat - instead preferring to torture people in interrogations.

This doesn't stop Zaydan from being an imposing threat, though, as he has the might of the Moroccan army behind him.

That said, he's made a little less intimidating when you discover you can kill him by dropping a toilet on him, which is a real thing you can totally do - and yes, it's exactly as funny as you may have thought it is.

The area the General heads through is rife with holes in the floors and ceilings, in particular one tricksy little bathroom with a toilet conveniently placed right next to the hole in the floor. Since Zaydan literally walks below this floor, killing him is literally as simple as kicking the toilet down to meet him as soon as he passes under you - which is also pretty convenient in that usually nobody sees you do it.

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Dead Rising 3
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