10 Problems Only Gamers Will Understand

8. When You Can't Pause The Game Because It's Online

You can guarantee that if your mum, dad or girlfriend ever wants to have a meaningful discussion with you about something, it'll be when you're in the middle of a raid that won't be finished for another 45 minutes and, of course, can't be paused. Though non-gamers are slowly becoming more aware of the medium's online revolution, it's still a pain having to explain to parents in particular that not all video games can just be paused at a moment's notice: if it's an online game, it's taking place in real time and time inevitably waits for no man. Experience dictates that most parents simply won't understand this and will still try to have a talk with you about the issue, rather than leave you be and wait for you to talk to them when you're free. Of course, if it's a family emergency, then feel free to shout us down, but if it's some mundane story about what happened at the store today, we're not interested, and it's just going to throw us off our game. There's little way to avoid sounding like Cartman when we explain this one, so we'll leave one final piece of advice: move out on your own as quickly as you can.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.