10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

1. Not Being Space Jesus

mass effect 3 ending

There was a lot to hate about the close of Mass Effect 3, but way too much focus was put on the 'different coloured explosions' above all else.

Whilst I agree it's a hilariously bad scene, one of the biggest negatives was that the events of the Starchild A.I. and its control over the Reapers fundamentally changed the 'type' of story we thought we were in.

Up until that point (and forgoing the paid DLC required to process what the Starchild 'is'), we'd had in-depth breakdowns of every last part of the fiction; from how the Normandy's fuel cells work, to how guns are able to fire without ammunition (in ME1, anyway).

To suddenly - and jarringly - reframe "One individual's attempt to unite the galaxy against all odds" into a space magic-infused "You're the one"-style mess of vague dialogue and even vaguer responses from Shepard themselves? That was one of the reasons even right at the beginning of the end, why everything felt so off.

No doubt Bioware have learned from this most categoric of mistakes, and it looks as though the Ryder twins - alongside making friends and paving a path for humanity - are doing so as a smaller cog in a far larger machine. The Andromeda Initiative comprises many ships after all, and as Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare both proved, true heroism can come from an small, individual and occasionally unnoticed act, just as much as that of a collective.


What were your niggling complaints about the franchise? Let us know in the comments!

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