10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

5. Know Your Audience

Mass effect 3 shepard

One of the biggest questions going into Andromeda is whether Bioware are reverting back to the sort of tone the first two games had, or whether it'll be a sequel to the gung-ho 'delights' of part three.

Because right from the get-go in Mass Effect 3, we were given 'modes' that would dictate the balance of story to action, and what Bioware and EA saw as having their cake and eating it too, fans took as an insult.

Why on Earth - after spending hundreds of hours carving a path through the mythology with moral choices and in-depth conversations, would we want an auto-talking 'Action Mode'?! All it did was create the notion that you weren't getting the full game based on your mode of choice, whilst creating the sensation that Mass Effect wasn't 'for' the people who'd supported it along the way.

With Andromeda's quip-happy protagonists and the vast majority of footage focusing on action or multiplayer, it's safe to say the franchise is embracing those combat elements wholeheartedly. Time will tell if this gets in the way of storytelling, but at least we can take a step back and embrace the franchise for what it now is, rather than a distorted hybrid of traits that appeals directly to no one.

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