10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

4. Far More Armour & Clothing Customisation

Mass effect andromeda

Ever since Diablo III's loot system proved just how much people like to style their respective characters with endless amounts of loot-dropped aesthetics, scores of RPGs have since included a myriad of clothing and armour options for your hero. Going into Andromeda, yes we've seen a handful of DLC packs discussing skin-swaps and armour bonuses, but here's hoping everybody's individual Ryder can look completely different.

Mass Effect 3 certainly tried to deep-dive into this sort of thing with its own selection of armoured pieces you'd find out on missions, but a great many of them were still fairly similar - and if we look to what you could wear outside of a mission, it was resigned to just four options in total.


Let's not beat around the bush here - RPG fans love to play dress up (in game... for the most part), and we're proud to admit it. Now, we'll take a bevy of combinable top and lower half options, alongside with a range of visor accessories, armour tints and plating materials, please.

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