10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

3. The Relationship System

mass effect tali

Across the 2000s, as gaming grew as a medium, morality systems came into play and the very notion of 'having a conversation' with an A.I. character was mostly perfected. Mass Effect played a rather large, key role in this.

However, in the pursuit of "having agency in your character's dialogue to progress a relationship", retrospectively it plays a lot like "Say the nice thing over and over until you trigger the sex scene".

Whilst that is analogous to real life if I were a stand-up comedian, the reality is far more nuanced. Bioware have addressed this in revamping the Paragon/Renegade system to be far less binary or straightforward, and this should hopefully translate into a number of dialogue interactions that don't feel as though you're building some unseen 'bar' that reveals a bit of skin when filled.

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