10 Problems With Destiny 2 Nobody Wants To Admit

7. No Matchmaking DOES Hurt The Game

Destiny 2

How many times have you re-ran the same Strikes, or been placed on the same maps for PvP multiplayer?

I'd wager even if you just got the game, Destiny's naff algorithms repeatedly place you on the same maps over and over, sometimes in quick succession. It simply isn't on - not when the maps themselves are generally ace, and you might have a favourite or two.

As it stands, you basically tell the game, "I'd like to do a Strike" or "I'd like to do some PvP multiplayer" and Destiny 2 offers up... something.

It might be what you just did on a map you're not bothered about. It might be a mode you've been playing all day or have totally forgot was even in the game - it literally is completely random.

Outside of selecting what you'd like to partake in, the options to buddy up with whoever's right in front of you are also cumbersome. Bungie maintain that matchmaking is ditched because they want a "welcoming experience" - not something predicated on randoms coming together - but the fact remains: Halo's Big Team Battle (or any online game in history) always worked a treat despite groups being made up of random players, and it's this mentality that should've carried across.

You CAN invite players to join your Fireteam by finding them in a list of whoever's in a social space once you're also walking around, but this is a paltry offering to players who would gladly posse up and work together if given the chance.

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Destiny 2
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