10 Problems With Destiny 2 Nobody Wants To Admit

4. Stats & Loot Are Ultimately Pointless

Destiny 2 Hunter

One of the biggest issues that comes starkly into view the more you play: Every last stat - from weapon damage to mobility, mods to armour defence - is completely superfluous.

Want proof? Go back and start a new character. Notice how they feel exactly the same? How the weapons feel identical, no matter whether you're firing a Hand Cannon after 10 minutes or 10 hours?

That's what I'm getting at.

All you're doing across the X number of hours you spend in Destiny 2's company is rolling and re-rolling the stats behind the scenes. You're making life bars go down faster, or making bigger number totals pop off your enemies' heads. A 200 Auto Rifle will handle almost identically to a 30 Auto Rifle. Yes, the game will give you all these meters relating to 'Impact'(?) and 'Range', but outside of 'Rate of Fire', there aren't any that actually make weapons within the same bracket feel distinguishable.

As such, you've got all the base types of each weapon - Sidearm, Scout Rifle, Sword etc. - but outside of that class differentiation, there is next to nothing.

Honestly, unless you get pleasure and reward out of seeing the numbers go up (which is totally fine), Destiny 2's most marketable sense of 'progression' is a lie.

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