10 Progressive Characters Who Prove Video Games Aren't Bigoted

7. Vamp - Metal Gear Solid 2/4

Metal Gear Solid 2's Vamp is a knife throwing Romanian who can move at super speed and has a penchant for blood, so it€™s easy to see why most people assumed that meant he was a Vampire. However pay close attention and you€™ll hear Snake eluding to the fact that Vamp was more a comment on his bisexuality, hinting that he had a relationship with Navy Commander Scott Dolph and later got €œvery close€ to his daughter. Vamp ultimately was part of a larger trend in post-millennial games where the story telling capability of new hardware meant that characters had more freedom to portray more complicated and mature themes without the need for heavy exposition. It€™s this subtly and depth of character that ultimately provides the most realistic, albeit at super speed with a penchant for blood, depictions of people and broadens the appeal of games. In Metal Gear, gamers never focussed on Vamp's sexuality because, story wise, it was never a defining characteristic, they were always more interested if they could beat him, hoping he wasn€™t going to brutally murder them first.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.