10 Progressive Characters Who Prove Video Games Aren't Bigoted

6. Jade - Beyond Good And Evil

It€™s often been rumoured that Jade€™s creator Micel Ancel based the character on his wife, whilst that has neither been confirmed or denied it was always clear Ancel wanted to create a character that was a real person and not a typical sexy action hero. From the moment Beyond Good And Evil introduces you to Jade she is likeable, sassy and practical as well as being a highly skilled martial artist and journalist who isn€™t afraid to get her hands dirty. Jade epitomises the adaptable, smart and down to earth heroes that feel more like an ordinary person gamers can relate to, than a super soldier or bikini wearing ninja. She is a well-rounded character who proves herself time and time again in the face of conflict and all whilst wearing suitable clothing.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.