10 Promising 2020 Video Games You Must Consider

6. Pokémon Sleep

journey to a savage planet

Not too much is known about Pokémon Sleep right now, other than that it releases very early in 2020, landing January 10th. It’s a mobile only game, made for Android or iOS, which will no doubt already see some lose interest. However, with Pokémon’s name brand recognition, it will likely attract casual players to fill that void.

Whether or not this even counts as a game is a tricky issue too. As the name suggests, you actually play the game by sleeping, which doesn’t really seem like you’re playing a game at all.

It’s being developed by Select Button and the makers of Pokémon Go, Niantic Labs, with The Pokémon Company selling it as something which will turn sleep into entertainment. Maybe it makes you dream that you’re flying on a Charizard? Nothing has been teased or hinted at yet, so we’re all completely in the dark.

The Pokémon Company is basically banking on Pokémon Sleep being to sleeping as Pokémon Go was to walking. So maybe next January there’ll be a sharp rise is people staying in bed all day, dreaming about Pikachu, Sylveon and Walrien.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)