10 Promising 2020 Video Games You Must Consider

5. Gods & Monsters

journey to a savage planet

Gods & Monsters looks to be one of Ubisoft’s most interesting creations in a long while, but hype over the upcoming Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed has overshadowed it. Things may well change before its release date on 25th February next year, but we already know a lot more about some games releasing after, so don’t hold your breath.

The art style already looks gorgeous, clearly inspired by Breath Of The Wild mixed with more traditional myths and legends. The specific Ubisoft team at the helm are the ones who made Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, and it feels like this is a collection of their sweeter, more playful ideas which didn’t quite fit that more brutal game.

The E3 trailer called it a storybook open world adventure, and described the art style as being ‘painterly’. Though we’re yet to see any in depth gameplay, it does seem like the whimsical, vivid images the idea of a ‘painterly’ game brings will ring true.

You play as a forgotten hero on a quest to save the Greek Gods, playing as a customisable hero equipped with the magic of the Gods of Olympus. It’s an intriguing prospect, and hopefully Ubisoft will show us more soon.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)