10 PS4 & Xbox One Games That Launched Completely Broken

7. Halo: The Master Chief Collection

halo master chief collection series franchise
Microsoft/Bungie/343 Industries

As a former flagship title that fuelled excitement for the original Xbox, it's pretty sad to see that Halo€™s legacy has not been faithfully continued onto the next generation of consoles, as its remastered collection remains a complete technical disaster.

Many fans were hoping to dive into re-worked maps from earlier titles, but were swiftly halted by a series of matchmaking issues. Joining a game seemed pretty much impossible and even the lucky few who were able to, experienced severe lagging and crashing. The single player campaign was mainly met with critical praise but some reviewers suspected that the game used ports from the PC, rather than the original Xbox versions. Developer 343 Industries later apologised for the state of the game and offered players a free month of Xbox Gold Live and a downloadable copy of Halo 3 ODST as much needed compensation.

After multiple patches and the push towards promoting Halo 5, many of these issues still persisted, diminishing fans faith in the franchise.

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