10 PS4 & Xbox One Games That Launched Completely Broken

5. Fallout 4

fallout 4 bug glitch

Not even the toughest power armour can protect you from the hoard of bugs you'll encounter when setting foot into the wasteland, and just be to be clear, I'm not talking about radroaches.

Fallout 4€™s problems include floating animals, NPC€™s floating into your personal conversations and even finding yourself falling helplessly into the abyss. Along with a number of graphical glitches, players have reported issues of their game crashing, as well as problems preventing them progressing with the main quests.

Fortunately, Fallout 4's success wasn€™t too largely affected by these issues and it was awarded a BAFTA for Game of The Year. That being said, the words €œAnother settlement needs your help€ aren€™t likely to those who played any time soon.

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Fallout 4
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Author, bass guitarist, beard enthusiast.