10 PS4 & Xbox One Games That Launched Completely Broken

4. Assassins Creed: Unity

assassin's creed unity ubisoft

The Assassin's Creed series may be known for having a few rocky launches throughout its history, but its Unity that stands out as its worst offender.

It's €œno face€ glitch in particular is the stuff of nightmares, stripping characters of their facial tissue and leaving fans frozen in terror. Gamers flocked to the internet shortly after release to showcase all of kinds of hilarious and potentially game-breaking glitches they'd encountered, as little did we know, this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Some highlights included learning the ability to walk on thin air, being able to swim beneath the city and trembling in horror as the NPCs around you respond as if they€™re possessed.

Assassins Creed Unity Glitch Gif

It appeared fans were left with a sour taste in their mouths , as successor Syndicate was then revealed to be second worst selling title in the entire canon.

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