10 Questionable Moments In Nintendo Games You Totally Ignored

5. Death In Pokemon

Pokemonkilled Despite being enjoyed the world over by fans young and old alike, Pokemon has something of a lighthearted reputation, thanks in no small part to the eternally popular children's cartoon show. General knowledge dictates that Pokemon don't die in battle; rather, they faint. After being bashed, sliced, blasted, and blown up, they simply faint when their life points reach 0, and they're good as new after a few moments to recharge inside a Pokemon center. As a result, the impression one gets from the games and cartoon alike (though especially the cartoon) is that the stakes aren't really that high, and nothing truly terrible is likely to happen except in the most extreme of situations (such as, say, maybe a major motion picture). However, those who really pay attention to the lore in the games- the first one in particular- will know that things don't always work out for the best. Pokemongraves Never is this more evident than the tower found in Lavender Town, which essentially serves as a wall-to-wall graveyard for deceased Pokemon. Not only do trainers go there to pay their respects to the fallen Pocket Monsters, but it is also a place where numerous ghost-type Pokemon roam unchecked. So in case you were ever wondering just what those Pokemon are ghosts of, now you have your answer. It doesn't end there, however; another Pokemon found there is very much alive, yet all the more morbid: Cubonepokedex Many are familiar with the Pokemon known as Cubone, which wears a skull of some sort as a mask. What they may not be as aware of is that the skull belongs to the dead mother of the Cubone itself, whose death traumatized it and led to Cubone weeping at night in mourning. Heavy stuff.
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Former Nintendo Power writer, current Nintendo Force writer. Wrote the book on Mega Man (The Robot Master Field Guide). Was once fired by Vince McMahon. Dabbles in video games, comic books, toys, and fast food curiosities. Once had a new species of exotic bird named after him. It died. You can find more of his writings, musings, and other such things on his websites at Nyteworks.net.