10 Rage Quit Moments That Made Us Leave Video Games Forever

8. The Opening Mission - Metal Gear Solid V

Metal gear solid V ishmael

Metal Gear Solid V is easily the most gameplay-orientated entry in the series, offering players an unprecedented amount of freedom while moving away from the hours and hours of cutscenes that made up so much of the content in the other games. The only downside is the game didn't do a good job of communicating this to you in its first hour.

As a result, the opening mission is classic MGS fare, with the "gameplay" even more limited than usual. After a lengthy (but genuinely atmospheric) intro set to the tune of The Man Who Sold the World, players are hit with one scripted set-piece after the next, while given the bare-minimum amount of control over Venom Snake.

Because he's recovering from wounds sustained in Ground Zeroes, the hero can barely stand, and you're forced to ever so slowly make your way through the sequence, as Snake falls down, crawls his way through hallways and generally gets through the level by the player pressing forward and not thinking twice. It's one of those sections where you just wish it had been a 5 minute cutscene rather than an extended, hour-long piece of "gameplay".

It's not at all indicative of how the game actually plays, and the worst part is you have to complete this section twice - with no difference in actual content - in order to finish the story.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3