10 Rarest PS1 Games Ever

5. Team Buddies

New: $300 | Used: $70 Moving away from the legendary JRPGs that seem to make up the majority of PlayStation 1 rarities, we arrive at Team Buddies. This quirky and underrated top-down shooter kind of slipped under the radar when it was released in 2000 - probably because it came out half a year after the PS2 was released, which was a rough time for a new previous-gen game to try and make its way in the world. From Psygnosis, the same brilliant minds behind classics like Wipeout and Destruction Derby, Team Buddies puts you in control of a team of 'Buddies', taking on the endearingly-named Baddies by engaging them in open combat and destroying their bases. The game allows four people to partake in some split-screen shenanigans, with game modes including classics like deathmatch, domination, and capture the animal (you know, like capture the flag, but with random fauna). Team Buddies only ever received a limited release, and it's popularity grew a long time after its initial run. It's a prized, unique little gem of a game that extremely hard to come by these days.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.