10 Real Life Jobs Made INFINITELY Better By Video Games

4. Photographer (Pokémon Snap)

Pokemon Snap

I’m not saying that being a photographer is a bad job - hell, it might be one of the most creatively rewarding things you can do, showcasing the beauty, the emotion and the passion of humankind through the snap of a shutter.

However, you try telling me that it wouldn’t be infinitely better if you were taking photos of Pokémon instead of people. Imagine instead of waiting for hours and hours for the right lighting to photo an ant holding a leaf that you were instead snapping photos of Pikachu frollicing in fields and forests. It all follows on from my philosophy that any situation can be made better with Pokémon. I'd listen to a trading seminar if it was delivered by a Hitmonchan in a suit!

Plus if you mess up the shot, with the Pokémon Snap logic you can simply replay the level and see the exact same situation again if you come back at the right time. Winners all round.

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