10 REAL Reasons Behind Annoying Video Game Moments
4. Spider-Man (2018) - Mary Jane's Stealth Missions
Insomniac's Spider-Man proved to be a high-flighting outing as everyone's favourite web-slinging superhero. Alongside the fantastically fluid traversal and satisfying combat, there was likewise a surprising amount of heart at the core of this spectacular PlayStation outing.
In between the swinging and crime fighting, however, even this acclaimed gem had its share of issues. One of the most aggravating of which was the inclusion of forced stealth sections while playing as Mary Jane Watson.
As tediously dull as these missions proved to be, the developers did mean well by including them.
In an interview with Kinda Funny Games, creative director Bryan Intihar described that there were several reasons why they believed they were a solid idea.
In addition to slowing the action down to break up the pacing (an aim they succeeded in a little too well), Intihar explained that the team didn't want to see MJ as a damsel in distress again, and thought it would be interesting to explore what it would be like playing as someone without superpowers in a world of superheroes.
While the developers did succeed in their goals, the problem was that these sections simply weren't engaging to play. There's no place for forced stealth missions in modern games.