10 REAL Reasons Your Favourite Video Games Never Came Back

9. Legacy Of Kain - Blood Runs Dry

Tony hawks
Square Enix

Time hasn't been kind to the Legacy of Kain series. Since the last real game, Defiance, it's not been an easy ride.

Sure, we've had the online tie-in (of sorts) Nosgoth, but no solid continuation.

Since Crystal Dynamics have parted ways with the IP, there have been three cancelled titles since, the last being Dead Sun back in 2013. It's not like there isn't demand for the series, far from it. So what is it that's holding Kain, Raziel and company from making a return?

Well, since changing hands to Square Enix, indie director Phil Elliott has said they are open to the idea of licensing the franchise out through its Square Enix collective service.

So what's the problem?

It seems that no one has come up with a good enough reason, or story, for them to warrant licensing it out. At least not as far back as early 2019, anyway.

It seems chances are slim to none, unless somebody really comes up with a banger of a continuation.

C'mon people, get your screenwriting caps on.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.