10 REAL Reasons Your Favourite Video Games Never Came Back

8. Alpha Protocol - It's Not The Secret Agent License That Needs Renewing...

Tony hawks

Chances are you may not remember Alpha Protocol, and that's alright. Obsidian's attempt at the third person action/espionage genre wasn't the most pleasantly received when it came out, but it did reach a small "cult classic" status with its fans.

But at its heart, the concept was there: a decent adventure wrapped up in multiple choice and character customisation, it had some good ideas going for it. So, what's to stop Obsidian going back to the drawing board and bringing it back? Off the back of the success of The Outer Worlds, why not spruce up that back catalogue?

Or at the very least, put it back up on digital stores?

You've probably guessed by now but... music rights! Again!

It seems weird in a game like this, that you wouldn't expect a licensed soundtrack to be part of it, but here we are.

It'd be nice to think that Obsidian might save the renewal fee and instead put it towards a remaster. We know now that they have the skills to make great RPGs, if you go by earlier's example in TOW and the almighty Fallout: New Vegas.

Putting skill points into optimism for this one...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.