10 Reasons Battlefield 5 Is Actually Great

7. Free Content

battlefield 5

As mentioned, the sixth chapter of the free post-launch content means that the map count has risen, and a couple of guns for your killing pleasure have been added to the increasing roster.

Many cited the base game of Battlefield V to be relatively bare-bones, however, on its second year BFV has steadily released a collection of excellent additional maps, as well as keeping players engaged with its loot based weekly challenges in the form of Tides of War.

The live-service styled model that EA has adopted for this instalment may have been the thing that hindered it upon release.

However, with the next entry reportedly held back for the impending next generation, the current state of Battlefield V leaves you with a brilliant collection of additional modes, weapons, skins and maps, with more to hopefully look forward to in its next post-launch chapter.


Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.