10 Reasons Bloodborne Is Better Than Dark Souls III

6. The Health Restoration System Is Perfect

Bloodborne the old hunters
From Software

For the most part, restoring your health in Dark Souls III involves using an estus flask with limited charges. While there€™s nothing wrong with the system, it€™s a little hard to go back to after experiencing what Bloodborne had to offer.

In Bloodborne, it€™s possible to restore your character's health by striking an enemy immediately after taking damage. While you can€™t rely on this method as your lone source of recovery due to the risk involved, it does a tremendous job of advocating risk-taking in combat in order to reap reward.

This mechanic is an absolutely inspired way to introduced health gains into these games without compromising the challenge, and Dark Souls III suffers from its absence


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.