10 Reasons To Be Excited About Telltale's Game Of Thrones Video Game

9. It's Being Made With HBO

There are three letters which conjure up the majority of television's greatest shows and provide a universally accepted seal of quality. I'm talking about HBO, of course: Game of Thrones has stayed remarkably close to the source material while admittedly making some narrative decisions to ensure the plot is more television friendly and doesn't grind to a halt. This slavish level of fan service is all down to a creative green light from HBO. Many studios would have turned down the idea of adapting such a sprawling adult fantasy into a prime time show, but it's HBO's risk-taking nature that allowed it to thrive. As they are attached to Telltale's series, it seems like a pretty safe bet that we'll be playing parallel to the events of the television show. It also means that they have input from people who have written three fantastic series adapted from Martin's books to make sure the games do the source material the justice it deserves. As we can assume that the games will be based around the TV series, it leaves open even more questions as the major plot points of the book are set in stone. Will we play through the three series again with access to the voice cast of the show? I can think of nothing more entertaining than endless interactions with Peter Dinklage's Tyrion Lannister: make it happen Telltale Games!

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson