10 Reasons Nintendo Switch Online Is A Crushing Disappointment

10. No Online Matchmaking Or Button Mapping For NES Games

Nintendo Switch NES

Here's a double whammy of irritating revelations right off the bat. First of all, though Nintendo has added online multiplayer features to their Netflix-like NES library, you're sadly only able to play online with those in your friends list.

If you were hoping to play some Ice Hockey with a total random, that sadly isn't possible as there's no matchmaking suite to speak of.

Considering most of us have busy lives and can't always find time to set up games with our pals, it's enormously disappointing that such an aggressive restriction has been imposed for no logical reason.

Another nagging issue is that there's currently no custom button mapping for NES titles, meaning you're stuck with default presets which don't always feel right. Again, this is a feature the exclusion of which is extremely puzzling given its incredible simplicity to implement.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.