10 Reasons Nobody Cares About The Kinect

2. Lost Potential

Kinect Star Wars is the perfect example of the lost potential so far with the Kinect, and the longer this goes on, the more apathetic gamers will be about it. The tech is there, as is the potential, but no one has even scratched the surface. It seems like developers and publishers realize this as well, as they€™d rather play it safe and make another dance game or mini-game compilation than anything interesting or of substance. The worst aspect of this is that there really could be some great games made for the Kinect, assuming the tech is as good as they say it is. Think about the potential of a first-person adventure game or RPG, or a fighting game. Again, in order for these games to be good, the tech has to be responsive and the game design well implemented. The only reason this hasn€™t been the case is that it hasn€™t really been attempted. Maybe publishers are afraid that hardcore gamers won€™t respond regardless, so it isn€™t worth it, but this simply isn€™t true. Good games will attract gamers; it€™s not that complicated. If no effort is made, the Kinect will continue to be ignored by a core consumer base. They are the consumers who will spend the money on games, not the casual players. Ignoring them is foolish, hence the lack of caring. Gives us the games, and we will come. Which brings me to the last point€

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.