10 Reasons No One Cares About Xbox One & PS4 Next Gen Consoles

7. No Great Titles on the Horizon

Wd With Watch Dogs slipping out of reach, it is but one of a few titles that early-adopters can look forward to. The other mainstay in the current zeitgeist appears to be Titanfall, a first-person shooter developed by ex-Call of Duty chaps Respawn Entertainment. It€™s been received extremely well, and although the first-person mould is an extremely tired one, full of cracks and pieces of what€™s gone before, if there€™s a chance it can offer an innovation impossible through what we have now, then I€™m all on board. Even with that being said, Titanfall is (so far) Xbox One exclusive, leaving PS4 out of the running as far as an investable console. Instead a quick perusal of the upcoming list yields less exclusivity and more the likes of Tom Clancy€™s The Division or Beyond: Good and Evil providing incentive for both systems. With the homogeneous aspect of the two consoles at this point finding any differentiation only through comparing hardware specs, it ushers back in the question all were yelling at Microsoft during their unveiling; €œWhat about the games?!€.
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