10 Reasons No One Cares About Xbox One & PS4 Next Gen Consoles

6. Corporate Attitudes Towards Gamers

Avatar There€™s nowhere near the level of pre-release essentialism permeating any part of the PS4 launch build-up, and Microsoft resolutely dropped trou and shat all over the goodwill the 360 had built up over the last 12 years at their unveiling this year. Thinking we would all love a glorified voice-activated set-top box that was powered by an all-digital future and a total lack of respect for the common gaming action of sharing your purchases between friends, it was over to Sony to pick up the pieces. They did so, in spectacular fashion in fact, hammering an entire generation worth of nails into Microsoft€™s coffin. So many, in fact that Microsoft backpedalled on their entire DRM-policy, instead trying profusely to convince the public that somewhere behind that advert-dominated Xbox dashboard was a heart, albeit the flagship Xbox green now seemed to represent envy.
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