10 Reasons No One Cares About Xbox One & PS4 Next Gen Consoles

5. The €˜PC Master Race€™

Master Technology advances exponentially every year, and in the time console life cycles have rolled around, the €˜Master Race€™ (as they are continually being referred to, by themselves anyway) have managed to overtake the specifications of the next offerings before they€™re even out. With more and more people taking their PC€™s and Macs into the living room to connect to increasingly-easier to set up home cinema systems, it compounds the previous money-saving point by offering the idea that a PC or Mac could be your main system of choice instead. New console games look to be at least £20/$20 more than their current generation brethren, yet with evermore PC and Mac users getting involved on ever-increasingly powerful machines, their retail costs go down whilst ours spike wildly through the inevitable launch-rush.
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