10 Reasons Why The Original Dungeon Keeper Is Still Devilishly Awesome

5. Repelling The Goodly Heroes

Heroes of the surface realm will descend into your domain in a desperate attempt to rid their pristine lands of your evil ways, entering either through the means of a mystical hero gate, essentially a portal, or will get laborious and dig through the rock to besiege you. The brave meat bags will then proceed to destroy the dungeon heart that acts as the tether between you and the current realm you occupy. The defeat of your heart will end your control of the realm and will then require a hasty restart, unless you were intelligent enough to save your game before mining that dirt tile or egging on your lone dragon to engage with a band of giants. Dragon scale soup wasn't even meant to be on the menu. Silly keeper! What do you do once a ferocious battle between your minions and the heroes has taken place? Well, take your pick. You can either let the heroes die and have them carted off to the Graveyard to attract the attention of a vampire with the stench (your hellhounds will delightfully urinate on the corpses to aid with the decomposition), or perhaps you're rather morbid and will leave them to rot in your Prison where upon their eventual death they will become skeletons who will rally your cause for evil. Throwing the odd chicken into the Prison makes for the most fabulous spectacle of watching your starving prisoners fight tooth and nail over the pesky morsel. Better yet, the Torture Chamber is your one-stop shop for all your dissecting and bludgeoning needs. Each hero and even your own minions have a unique torture animation, being forcibly stuffed into a strict cauldron, to having their snouts sawn off, their man-parts battered with a mallet or being enveloped in an ambiguous tent for their screams of torment to be interpreted in any way your imagination permits. As the mentor would say, this is definitely somewhere you could take the kids for the weekend.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.