10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

2. Better Titles Out There

Ironically, The Evil Within does elements of the original Resident Evil titles better than the current Resident Evil games do. Of course, the chief director of the newcomer franchise is Shinji Mikami, the infamous creator of Resi. Factor in other games such as the first Dead Space game, and even The Last Of Us, and Resident Evil starts to see itself pushed further and further down the list of survival horror relevancy. To a younger generation, Resident Evil really hasn't done anything special, other than show up every now and then to disappoint those old, creaky folks who remember an apparent "great" game from yesteryear. That's not good, and Resi could find itself being choked out of the market it helped create. Simply put, if Resident Evil 7 doesn't set things right, we could be looking at the end of this incredible licence.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.