10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

3. B-Movie Level Film Releases

Resident Evil Alice1 To date, there have been five live-action movies based on the Resident Evil universe, with a sixth currently in production. Even though the films include the talents of Milla Jovovich, they are becoming less-and-less interesting with each release - indeed, the pictures and being met with diminishing returns, both at the box office, and with the interest of fans. Talk about milking the cow dry, that's definitely been the case with these movies. In addition to the live-action series, there's also three animated pictures, all released by Capcom. Talk about overload, this is saturating a market, one your own product sits at the head of. Over the past few years, the games and movies are slowly starting to resemble one another more and more. The first Resident Evil movie was big and dumb, but at least it tried to stay true to the games (as best it could). Now, momentum is swinging in the opposite direction, and the games are mimicking the action of the films. That's not a positive.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.