10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

7. Quick Time Events

Resident Evil 6 In general, quick time events are looked upon with angry glares by the gaming faithful - viewed as nothing more than unwanted annoyances, QTE segments seemingly do nothing but take our eyes off the action, only caring that we press the right buttons, in the right order, so we don't have to replay any given section more than once. Resident Evil 4 has a number of these, but the real crimes are perpetuated by Resi 6, which features an alarming amount of quick time button pressing. It has to be asked, is it really necessary? When quizzed, most gamers would rather simply watch a cutscene than be forced into these things. Yes, one or two are forgivable, but when they crop up every ten minutes, that's irritating, and takes you out of that bubble of enjoyment. The earlier games didn't need these, so why have Capcom let this parasite of gameplay innovation run riot over the latest entries into their cherished franchise?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.