10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

6. Overblown Set Pieces

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSeBxPpxteE Upon viewing the video included here, you'd swear you were watching footage from a gameplay demo at E3, designed to show off mechanics from the latest action title to hit shelves. Sadly, this is action from Resident Evil 6, specifically from the Leon campaign. Not only does it highlight some of the previous points - lack of atmosphere and scares - but it doesn't even feel like Resident Evil. Even more saddening, sequences such as the ones from the video are very common in the sixth game, across all four of the main campaigns. The first three games featured fire, action and modest set pieces (such as those terrifying showdowns with the Nemesis from 3), but they never felt forced, and were hard to come by. Pacing was paramount, along with tension, but the latest games sorely lack in those departments. It really doesn't look like we'll ever see it again in the Resi franchise - pacing has given way to the glory of the action set piece, but has numbed hardcore fans to sleep.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.