10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

4. Bloated & Over-The-Top

With the success that Resident Evil has had as an intellectual property comes inflation. Not only do Capcom appear to think they can tinker about with the formula of the games, but there's also an inflated sense of worth. After all, Resi 6 may have received a lot of criticism from the gaming media, but it sold millions. There's still a lot of power to the IP, on the surface. The question is, how long will that last? The more shifts that the series undergoes, the less true to itself it becomes. As a knock-on effect, you run the risk of alienating your core customers, who may grow disillusioned with the direction of Resident Evil. Voice-acting and story-telling have always been notable weakpoints for the franchise, but in moving more towards action, the games are starting to feel like bargain bin, straight-to-DVD movies. Speaking of which...

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.