10 Reasons Super Mario World Is The Best 2D Mario Of All Time

8. The Hardware Allowed For More Technical Mechanics

Super Mario World Ending

Super Mario World really marked the first time Nintendo could really be unleashed with their creativity. Features such as Yoshi had been conceptualised as early as Super Mario Bros. 3, but were consistently forced to be shelved due to the technical and hardware limitations of the time.

Along came the powerful new SNES as a successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System and suddenly Super Mario World, the first Mario game for the new device, had the potential to unlock so many ideas once thought impossible.

As well as the obvious feature of finally being able to get a character like Yoshi over the line, Super Mario World's development on an entirely new console allowed the designers to really begin experimenting some of the parts that were growing slightly stale in the Mario franchise.

The colour palette was amped up and diversified, the scrolling across a level was improved and the detail in the game's sprites was also remarkably improved.

On top of this, the animations and transitions for the world map and inside the levels themselves were also revamped and would go onto to stand out against the games before it.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.