10 Reasons The Division 2 DESTROYS Anthem

9. The Campaign Is Lengthy & Diverse

The Division 2

Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of Anthem was its woefully malnourished campaign, which in addition to boasting a flat story and forgettable cast of characters lasted for all of around 12 underwhelming hours.

The key issue was the bland, formulaic nature of the game's story missions, basically rehashing the same spare missions types - collect orbs, flick switches, defend structures etc - ad nauseum.

There was virtually no mechanical diversity nor any missions objectives which required players to use their abilities in unique ways.

The Division 2 meanwhile boasts a genuinely engrossing 25-hour(ish) main story which pulses along at a confident clip. And though it's also disappointingly light on plot and memorable characters, the game does a fantastic job with environmental storytelling.

Missions which take place at iconic Washington locales such as the Air and Space Museum which help the shoot 'em up missions feel more diverse and singular, and there's a far greater wealth of lore scattered around the open world to immerse yourself in.

Both games clearly could've done much more in the writing department, but The Division 2 nevertheless served up a campaign that was compelling all the way to the finish.

Anthem's, however, felt like an absolute chore despite being roughly half the length.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.