10 Reasons The Witcher 3 Truly Is Game Of The Year 2015

6. The Visuals

The Witcher 3 does not have most revolutionary graphics. In fact, if you€™d followed the game throughout its development, you would have noticed a graphical downgrade compared to earlier public demonstrations. Regardless of this, The Witcher 3 is no graphical slouch, and is one of the most visually beautiful games of this generation so far. The game more than makes up for any graphical disappointments with its attention to style and detail. Environments are colorful, textured, and realistically rendered with near non-existent draw distances, all while maintaining its scope and sense of exploration. Facial animations are subtle and feel alive, especially the eyes, which are rendered with such realism that at first glance they could be passed off as real, and they really help bring the characters to life. And the various creatures and monsters are pretty much perfectly designed so that you€™ll never forget them long after encountering them. Really, it€™s the art style in general that elevates The Witcher 3 from a visual standpoint; it€™s all exquisitely realized in such a way that you just want to exist in that world, despite how ugly and brutal is often times is. It feels believable while still dazzling you with fantastical sights and sounds that only games like this are able to achieve, and The Witcher 3 does it better than all the rest.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.