10 Reasons Twilight Princess Is Actually The Best Zelda Game Ever

3. A Mature Tone That Never Tries To Be Too Dark

The big complaint among the Zelda faithful regarding Wind Waker was that it didn't match the dark and mature tone the original teaser footage of the next Zelda originally showcased. When Twilight Princess debuted, the revelation that the series had gone dark was enough to send fans in attendance of the trailer's premiere into a fervor. The thing about Twilight Princess, though, is that while it's certainly darker than other Zelda games it never implements dark material just for the sake of it. It would have been easy for Twilight Princess to go over the top in order to fulfil the darker desires of its fanbase, but instead Nintendo simply made the entire game world slightly more mature. Combat felt heavier, the stakes were raised thanks to an enhanced fear that the more relatable characters were in actual danger and psychedelic elements created an aspect of horror that the series never got to work with before. Twilight Princess allowed The Legend of Zelda to grow up a bit without completely forgetting itself.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.